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USS LEXINGTON Former Crew Member

Name: Betancourt, Rafael (Benny)

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: Aug 1966 - Dec 1967

Rank/Duty Assigned: ADJ`E3 Arresting Gear Engines Aircraft Handler/Refuleing Galley Service, Refer Mule

Hello to all who served on the Lady Lex, it was dangerous and fun all rolled into one. I was on her for two years during the Vietnam Police Development 65~67 and although we were never in an actual war zone, the flight deck was a pretty hellacious place to be. I know that we trained many of the pilots that eventually went on to fight over there and buried out to sea some that didn’t make it. I remember it all with great fondness and appreciation. Cross, Moe, Steel from Hopinsville, Jr Garza, Chris Zablocki, Acosta the Shylark, I remember and miss you all!