Former Crew Members

Ever wonder what happened to your former crewmates? Post your LEX service information here and get in touch with old friends or make new friends. If your browser supports hyperlinks, just click on an email address to send an e-mail. Please make sure to let us know if your e-mail address changes and include your service dates on the ship!

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Browse Former Crew Members

Leroy, Ken

Service Dates: 1960-1961

Rank/Duty Assigned: AMH-2/ VF-2

Lessing, Kenneth W.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1983 - 1987

Rank/Duty Assigned: Pc3 Post Office

Lester, Garey W.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: June 1972 - October 1973

Rank/Duty Assigned: AN/V-1 Div. Blue Shirt

Lett, Johnny L

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1979

Letts, Robert A.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: DEC 25 1942 /SEPT 15 1945


Leve, Matthew

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1986-1990

Rank/Duty Assigned: GMG/Security Division

Levine, Gordon

Service Dates: 1958

Rank/Duty Assigned: CT2

Levins, Fred

Service Dates: 1943-1945

Rank/Duty Assigned: Pilot

Lewis, Darrell D.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: Dec 1959 - March 1963

Rank/Duty Assigned: V-2 Div, Cats

Lewis, James T., Jr.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1984-1987

Rank/Duty Assigned: ABF assinged to V-4

Lewis, Jewell “Joe”

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1944 - 1946

Rank/Duty Assigned: AOM2/c V-5 Div

Lewis, Jown J.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1942 - 1945

Rank/Duty Assigned: Y1

Lewis, Kelly

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1988 - 1991

Rank/Duty Assigned: JO2 with Public Affairs/Ship's Radio/TV

Lewis, Kenneth

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 09/1976-09/1978

Rank/Duty Assigned: AC2 (Air Traffic Controller 2nd Class), Final Controller CATCC (Carrier Air Traffic Control Center).

Lewis, Peggy-Sue

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: October 1980- November 1981

Rank/Duty Assigned: Seaman Apprentice

Liberto, S. John

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1967-1969

Rank/Duty Assigned: E-4 store keeper

Lichlyter, Robert

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1960-1962

Rank/Duty Assigned: EM3/Electrician Mate

Lichlyter, Robert N.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1961 - 1962

Rank/Duty Assigned: EM3, E-Div

Licup, Renato S.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: Dec. 1975 thru Oct. 1980

Rank/Duty Assigned: E-5 MR2; Machinery Repairman; Machine Shop

Liebeskind, Martin

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: Shakedown - Dec 1943

Rank/Duty Assigned: AM 2nd Class

Liesch, Frank

Service Dates: 1977 to 1980

Rank/Duty Assigned: EM3/ Distribution, Power Shop

Lieser, Steve

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: Dec. 1986 - Aug. 1990

Rank/Duty Assigned: MM3 M Div/main control aft engine room/fresh water

Lillard, Emmett L.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: WWII: On the original Lexington in the Coral Sea.

Rank/Duty Assigned: Not sure what it was technically called, but he told me he worked on the airplanes and directed them as they landed on the carrier.

Lillehei, Tom

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: Oct. 1969 - June 1970

Rank/Duty Assigned: ETN-3 OE Div

Lilyquist, Clinton Russell

Service Dates: 1957

Rank/Duty Assigned: AM2, VF-123, CAG-12

Linder, Charles “Chuck”

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: Some time during WWII

Rank/Duty Assigned: MM1

Lindholm, John A.

Service Dates: 1958-1961

Rank/Duty Assigned: SN/ Radar

Lindley, Alan K.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1985 - 1988

Lindsay, Kris

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 4/76 -3/79

Rank/Duty Assigned: E-4/BT-3

Lindsey, Bobby Ray

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1978 - 1980

Rank/Duty Assigned: [email protected]