Former Crew Members

Ever wonder what happened to your former crewmates? Post your LEX service information here and get in touch with old friends or make new friends. If your browser supports hyperlinks, just click on an email address to send an e-mail. Please make sure to let us know if your e-mail address changes and include your service dates on the ship!

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Browse Former Crew Members

Kemp, David

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1981-1982

Rank/Duty Assigned: SR

Kemp, Gary

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1977 - 1980

Rank/Duty Assigned: AG3 Weather Office

Kemp, Ronal Mac

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1960 - 1963

Rank/Duty Assigned: ADJ 3

Kemp, Ronald Mac

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1960-1963

Rank/Duty Assigned: ADJ 3

Kempf, David

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1985 - 1988

Rank/Duty Assigned: BM3, Deck Dept

Kempland, Thomas Eugene

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1973

Rank/Duty Assigned: SKSA-S-1 Division

Kenagy, E. W.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1956-1957

Rank/Duty Assigned: Seaman/TAD VAH 6

Kendall, Bill

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1961 - 1965

Rank/Duty Assigned: MM2, M Div, Evaporator Crew

Kennedy, Dennis W.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: Jul 1961 - Jul 1964

Rank/Duty Assigned: Aerology AGAN

Kennedy, John L. Sr.

Service Dates: 1958

Rank/Duty Assigned: AE-1, V-2 Div (CV-2), VFP-61

Kennedy, Mike

Service Dates: 1961

Rank/Duty Assigned: PO3

Kennedy, Warren R.

Service Dates: 1955-1957

Rank/Duty Assigned: EM/ FN

Kennedy, William F.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1959

Rank/Duty Assigned: AMS3 VF-213 Plane Captain

Kennek, William F.

Service Dates: 1959

Rank/Duty Assigned: AMS3/ VF-213

Kennett, John

Service Dates: 1969

Rank/Duty Assigned: EM3

Kent, Derrick B.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: Sept. 1983 to May 1987

Rank/Duty Assigned: BM3

Kent, Robert Newton

Service Dates: Jan 1943 - Nov 1945

Rank/Duty Assigned: Sgt, USMC, AA gun

Keolewicz, William

Service Dates: 1988-1991

Rank/Duty Assigned: E-3/Fuels/Flight Deck

Kepler, Richard E.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1962-1964 Active Duty 1961-1969 full term

Rank/Duty Assigned: Seaman/E3/Yoeman

Kern, Ensign Max

Service Dates: 1943 - 1945

Rank/Duty Assigned: TBF Avenger Pilot, Torpedo Squadron 16

Kerouack, Omer D.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1941-1945

Rank/Duty Assigned: Machinist Mate


Service Dates: stationed aboard the US Lexington at NAS Pensacola around 1979-1980

Rank/Duty Assigned: unsure

Keszte, John

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1972-1973

Rank/Duty Assigned: seaman

Kettelkamp, Bill

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1958-1963

Rank/Duty Assigned: AE-3/ UF-213

Ketterman, Kanette

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: May 1983 to May 1987

Rank/Duty Assigned: AN V-4 DIVISION

Keyes, W.R.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1974-1976

Rank/Duty Assigned: RM3 CR division

Kief, Bob

Service Dates: 1945

Rank/Duty Assigned: GM 2/C, Ships Armorer

Kiess, Bob

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1970-1971

Rank/Duty Assigned: E-3 Plane Captain, Plane Guard Detachment

Kiess, Robert “Bob” Gilmore II

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1970-1971

Rank/Duty Assigned: E-3 Plane Captain, Plane Guard Detachment

Kilchriss, Ron

Service Dates: 1972

Rank/Duty Assigned: E4 /AO3 Ordnance