Ever wonder what happened to your former crewmates? Post your LEX service information here and get in touch with old friends or make new friends. If your browser supports hyperlinks, just click on an email address to send an e-mail. Please make sure to let us know if your e-mail address changes and include your service dates on the ship!
Former Crew Members
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Gross, Jeffrey
Email: JELAGRO418@aol.com
Service Dates: Feb 1986 - Sep 1989
Rank/Duty Assigned: LI2 Print Shop
Grover, Ronald Carl
Email: itsrongrover@gmail.com
Service Dates: 1972-1975
Rank/Duty Assigned: yn2 air dept
Groves, Raymond Jr.
Email: rgrovesjr@aol.com
Service Dates: October 1982 - September 1983
Rank/Duty Assigned: E-5 Boiler Technician and Master at Arms
Grow, Richard W.
Service Dates: June 1944-May 1946
Rank/Duty Assigned: ETM 2/C, Radio & Radar Maintenance
Guidry, Leon
Email: periopnurse@yahoo.com
Service Dates: 1975-1978
Rank/Duty Assigned: AN/V-4 (1975-1977); OC (1977-1978)
Guillory, James D.
Email: ministerguillory1@comcast.net
Service Dates: March 1986 - 1989
Rank/Duty Assigned: SK3 / S-1 Division USN Retired (2005)
Guiswite, Raymond W.
Email: Bakerguise@msn.com
Service Dates: I would guess 41-43
Rank/Duty Assigned: Gunner
Gullette, Michael A. “Bulkhead”
Email: migullette@aol.com
Service Dates: 1971 -1975
Rank/Duty Assigned: ABH3, V1 Div
Gulley, John J.
Email: chillyjr@gmail.com
Service Dates: 1988-2011
Rank/Duty Assigned: E-2 to E-4 when onboard
Gulyas, David L. “Pooh”
Email: ValkyrieF6ryder@yahoo.com
Service Dates: 1984 - 1989
Rank/Duty Assigned: ABH-3, Crash & Salvage, V-1 Div
Gunther, Gary Bruce
Service Dates: December 1967 – December 1969
Rank/Duty Assigned: Boatswains Mate 2nd Class Diver, 2nd Division
Gurley, Darrell
Email: hmkennels@comcast.net
Service Dates: 1987 - 1991
Rank/Duty Assigned: Blue Shirt, V1 Div
Gurnee, Terrence L. “Guns”
Email: tgurnee1@charter.net
Service Dates: 1962 - 1963
Rank/Duty Assigned: GMG3, Gun Crew 52
Guthrie, Terry L.
Service Dates: 06 July 1986 through 01. November 1991. I retired off her quarterdeck a month before her retirement to Corpus Christi, Texas.
Rank/Duty Assigned: Electronics Technican First Class. I was first LPO of the ET Shop then Electrical Safety Inspection Petty Officer for the ship out of the Safety Office before our retirement. ET1, USN Ret.
Gutierrez, Norbert “Bert”
Email: NGutier344@aol.com
Service Dates: Apr 1957 - Sep 1959
Rank/Duty Assigned: AOU3
Gutreuter, Wade M.
Email: wwadecs@aol.com
Service Dates: 27 Sept 1989 - 15 Aug 1991
Rank/Duty Assigned: SN/Security
Gutschall, Michael
Email: bigsergeant68@yahoo.com
Service Dates: 1988-1991
Rank/Duty Assigned: Aviation Support Tech AS3
Gwiazdon, Tom
Email: teegeestar@aol.com
Service Dates: 1958 thru 1960
Rank/Duty Assigned: Electronics tech and 1st Div
Gwinn, Joel Neil
Email: n.gwinn@frontier.com
Service Dates: July 1971 - June 1973
Rank/Duty Assigned: Airman V4 Div