Former Crew Members

Ever wonder what happened to your former crewmates? Post your LEX service information here and get in touch with old friends or make new friends. If your browser supports hyperlinks, just click on an email address to send an e-mail. Please make sure to let us know if your e-mail address changes and include your service dates on the ship!

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Browse Former Crew Members

Graham, Donald C.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1942-1945

Rank/Duty Assigned: ?

Graham, John

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1986-1990

Rank/Duty Assigned: E-5 / ABE

Graham, Stanley

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: January 1990 to Decommission

Rank/Duty Assigned: Carpenters Shop

Grain, Keith

Service Dates: 1946

Rank/Duty Assigned: S/E

Gramke, Tom

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1973 - 1977

Rank/Duty Assigned: E3 Airdale Plane Capt.

Granade, Walter Edward

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1982-1991

Rank/Duty Assigned: Lt Commander

Grand, Leslie H.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1959 - 1961

Rank/Duty Assigned: Airman, V-4 Div

Granier, Michael Jr.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1987 - 1989

Rank/Duty Assigned: Engineering Division Electrical Dept., EM3

Grant, Dennis

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: Jan 1968 - Aug 1971

Rank/Duty Assigned: Ship Serviceman E4

Grant, Ernest

Service Dates: 1969-1972

Rank/Duty Assigned: E-3/ Airman/ Aircraft Elev. Opr.

Grant, Mark

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1979-1983

Rank/Duty Assigned: E4, boiler technician

Grasso, Frank P.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1964 - 1966

Rank/Duty Assigned: MM2

Graves, Danny

Service Dates: 1967

Rank/Duty Assigned: E-3/ AQ/ Meteorology and Oceanography

Gray, Charles B.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1961 - 1964

Rank/Duty Assigned: E-5, BT3, B Div

Gray, Michael H.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1979 - 1983

Rank/Duty Assigned: ASM2, V-6 Div

Gray, Stoney Edward

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 64-65

Rank/Duty Assigned: seaman Div 3

Gray, Timothy F.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1990-1992

Rank/Duty Assigned: ABHAN

Graybill, George

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1981-1985

Rank/Duty Assigned: E3 Flight Deck ABH/3

Grazioso, Anthony B.

Service Dates: Apr 1943 - Feb 1946

Rank/Duty Assigned: Seaman 2/c, Gunnery Div, 40mm Bofors Gun Crew

Green, Al

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: Jun 1959 - Dec 1961

Rank/Duty Assigned: Lithographer, Print Shop

Green, Allen

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1961-1965

Rank/Duty Assigned: PO 2AB Assigned to V-1 Plane Handler, Director and finally Rep 8.

Green, Fred

Service Dates: 1943 - 1946

Rank/Duty Assigned: Marine Corp 1st Air Wing, S/Sgt, Gunner

Green, Harold L. Jr.

Service Dates: 1964-1966

Rank/Duty Assigned: E-2/ Catapults

Green, Harvey E.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: February 1958 through January 1959

Rank/Duty Assigned: Seaman in Personnel

Green, Jeffery V.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1986 to 1988

Rank/Duty Assigned: E-4 Main Control & A-Div AC&R Shop

Green, Raymond C.

Service Dates: Sept 1960 - Jul 1962

Rank/Duty Assigned: CS3, Ship's Cook & Baker

Green, Terry

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1971-1972

Rank/Duty Assigned: Seaman E-2 Assigned to B Division Deck Dept.

Greene, Jimmy

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1967 - 1969

Rank/Duty Assigned: Hospital Corpsman, E-3