Former Crew Members

Ever wonder what happened to your former crewmates? Post your LEX service information here and get in touch with old friends or make new friends. If your browser supports hyperlinks, just click on an email address to send an e-mail. Please make sure to let us know if your e-mail address changes and include your service dates on the ship!

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Browse Former Crew Members

Van Ware, Jr., James

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1943 - 1946

Rank/Duty Assigned: Aviation Boatswain Mate

Van, Jimmy Wayne

Service Dates: 1960-1962

Rank/Duty Assigned: Airman/ V-3

Vance, Moses Jr.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: January 1990-Decommission

Rank/Duty Assigned: SN Deck Department 1st Division

Vance, Steven

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1981 - 1985

Rank/Duty Assigned: BMSN, 3rd Div

Vander Kooi, Eric

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1986 - 1990

Rank/Duty Assigned: BM3 Hab & 1 Div

Vanderford, Earl D.

Service Dates: 1962

Rank/Duty Assigned: AMS-3/ Aviation Structure Mech

Vanderleek, Henry J.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1980 - 1981

Rank/Duty Assigned: E-4/ BOILERS, FIRE ROOM 4

Vanderwalle, Kim

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: Dec. 1989 - 1991

Rank/Duty Assigned: ABH3, V-1 Yellow Shirt Catapult Spotter

Vandeuenter, Melvin

Service Dates: 1960-1961

Rank/Duty Assigned: E-4/ Flight Deck

VanDeWalle, Kimberly Cals

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1989-1991

Rank/Duty Assigned: ABH3/V1 Yellow Shirt Catapults

VanDrisse, Tracy (Mabry)

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1990 - Decommission

Rank/Duty Assigned: PC3 Postal Clerk

VanHammers, Earl H.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 43-46?

Rank/Duty Assigned: Capt.

VanLandingham, Ken

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1963 - 1972

Rank/Duty Assigned: Training Command

Vansant, Lisa

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: August 1989 - March 1991 Decom

Rank/Duty Assigned: V-3 blue shirt

VanTassel, Ernest Rae

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1954 - 1958

VanTuinen, William

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1943 - 1945

Rank/Duty Assigned: Seaman 1st class, Airplane Captain

Varnadore, Mark

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: Nov 1971 - Oct 1975

Rank/Duty Assigned: Storekeeper 3/C, Supply Dept.

Varner, Elmer M. (Mac)

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1979 - 1981

Rank/Duty Assigned: Seaman / Lifeboatman / Radar and Sonar Operator


Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1979 - 1981

Rank/Duty Assigned: Seaman / Lifeboatman / Radar and Sonar Operator

Vasser, Mitchell

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1964-1966

Rank/Duty Assigned: e-3

Vaughan, Kimberly

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1990-1991

Rank/Duty Assigned: AG3

Vaughn, Eddie

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1961-1964

Rank/Duty Assigned: seaman / Lifeboatman / Radar and Sonar Operator

Vaughn, George T.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1965-1968

Rank/Duty Assigned: JO3

Vaughn, Rosin A.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 8/82-4/85

Rank/Duty Assigned: E3, Airman

Vayda, Thomas George

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1966 - 1967

Rank/Duty Assigned: DK2

Vazquez, Eduardo M.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1985 - 1990

Rank/Duty Assigned: IC2 Electrical Div

Veazey, Jimmie L.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1974 - 1977

Rank/Duty Assigned: ADAN, VT26, Plane Captain

Vecchioli, Joseph J.

Service Dates: 1962

Rank/Duty Assigned: AE2

Veerkamp, Leslie D.

Service Dates: 1960-1964

Rank/Duty Assigned: E-5

Vega, Jr., Diego

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: Dec 1988 - Decommission

Rank/Duty Assigned: 1st Class, AD1