Former Crew Members

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Browse Former Crew Members

Nelson, William Elmer

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1957 - Oct 1960

Rank/Duty Assigned: Lithographer 3/c, LI3

Nettles, Carlton D.

Service Dates: Apr 1957 - May 1958

Rank/Duty Assigned: EN-2

Nevitt, Danny

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: Sep 1966 - Mar 1970

Rank/Duty Assigned: LI3, Print Shop

Newbold, Thomas

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1974 - 1975

Rank/Duty Assigned: AE3, Plane Captain, VT-23

Newcomb, John

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1988 - Decommission

Rank/Duty Assigned: FR to MM2, HAB & Aft Engineroom

Newcomb, John William Jr.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1969-1971

Rank/Duty Assigned: E3/R division

Newell, John M.

Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

Service Dates: 1973 - 1977

Rank/Duty Assigned: BT3, #3 Fire Room, B-Div

Newell, Robert P.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1975-1978

Rank/Duty Assigned: SK2/Damage Control Petty Officer

Newman, Greg W.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1977-1981

Rank/Duty Assigned: BT2

Newman, Lloyd Allan

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1986-2007

Rank/Duty Assigned: Lt. , Retired as Capt.

Newman, Paul J.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1943-1945

Rank/Duty Assigned: Meteorologist

Newton, Ronald Homer

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1957-1959

Rank/Duty Assigned: Corpral

Nichols, Charles E. “Nick”

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1959-1962, 1971-1975

Rank/Duty Assigned: BMC, served in 2nd and 1st divisions.

Nichols, Lewis

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: Late 1972-1973

Rank/Duty Assigned: Seamen/ Machinist Mate w/ Evaporators

Nichols, Milford A. “Nick”

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: Mar 30, 1956 - Oct 30, 1964

Rank/Duty Assigned: BT2, #4 Fire Room

Nichols, Ron

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1982 - 1983

Rank/Duty Assigned: Dental Technician 2nd class

Nichols, Thomas Dean

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1981 - 1984

Rank/Duty Assigned: MM3 Aft Engineroom

Nieman, Robert

Service Dates: 1943-1946

Rank/Duty Assigned: BM3

Nieman, Robert George

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 2-11-42 to 6-27-45

Rank/Duty Assigned: SLC V6 USNR

Ninelist, Paul L.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: Oct 1960 - May 1962

Rank/Duty Assigned: Corporal (E-4), Marine Detachment

Nino, Rodolfo

Service Dates: 1977-1979

Rank/Duty Assigned: ABH3/ Flt Deck/ Crash & Salvage Crew

Nix, Jerry W.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1965 - 1968

Rank/Duty Assigned: E-3 2nd Div

Nix, Thomas E. Jr.

Service Dates: Sept. 1945 - Aug. 1946

Rank/Duty Assigned: Ship Fitter 3rd Class/ Welder & Damage Control

Nixon, Harold D.

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1944 - 1945

Rank/Duty Assigned: K-1 S2C. Radio Communications

Noblitt, Vic

Service Dates: 1957-1959

Rank/Duty Assigned: Lt. Noblitt

Noerper, Kevin

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1981 - 1985

Rank/Duty Assigned: MR-2 A-Gang Machine Shop

Noerper, Kevin Carl

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1982-1985

Rank/Duty Assigned: MR2

Nogosek, John

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1971-1974

Rank/Duty Assigned: OE, OI, DN Officer

Nolen, Don

Email: [email protected]

Service Dates: 1972 - 1975

Rank/Duty Assigned: EM3, E Div, Motor Rewind Shop, Aviation & Ord Elec Shop, E Div Supply Office, Fwd Emer Diesel Shop, DC Team Electrician, Movie Booth